Monday, April 20, 2009
Monday, April 13, 2009
A ghost rabbit for Easter
There’s no need to be scared of this ghost or its multi-speed and multi-function stimulating abilities. Made with superior intelligence for safe and healthy play, this piece is velvety smooth and delightfully soft, providing comfortable and skin-friendly use for superior pleasure. The piece features a smooth tapered head with a playful ghost face for easy insertion before tapering outward to a larger thick body as it reaches the rabbit attachment. This attachment is a single prong with a soft-tipped head for pinpoint creative attention and massage. The base also features an elongated side for ergonomic pleasuring of the freedom region as the shaft and rabbit attachment work their magic on your other zones. A large ridged handle provides superior grip and maneuverability with three push-button controls to direct the various functions; dual-arrows to control the interactive power, dual-arrows to intensify the performance speed, and a single button to change the direction of the performance. This ghost is even waterproof, providing fun in and out of the shower or bath.
Sunday, April 12, 2009
What has changed in the past days
Our project is growing intensively. We grew out our frames. Now I only register these changes here at the blog. (This is not for reading i guess.)
1. we don't have a place anymore (we had a chance to get a very big building, the old zálogház at kálvin tér, but it did not work out, and we also had a planned coproduction with the community café called közért, but sadly this café is still not ready to open)
2. we don't have a father figure anymore (you remember, a big theater group gave us the opportunity to be part of their april festival; though the project coordinator we ususally communicated with was nice, our project was just not fitting into their plans)
SO: we are an independent project without money - finally, just what we wanted! [nyulszakszervezet: is it a joke, rr?] we will use the streets and our bodies, we don't produce any garbage, we call our children ghost back and write a script and a few songs.
(i guess we have to write to artpool that we won't have a video room for a while.) [nyulszakszervezet: we will take contact, do not worry!]
1. we don't have a place anymore (we had a chance to get a very big building, the old zálogház at kálvin tér, but it did not work out, and we also had a planned coproduction with the community café called közért, but sadly this café is still not ready to open)
2. we don't have a father figure anymore (you remember, a big theater group gave us the opportunity to be part of their april festival; though the project coordinator we ususally communicated with was nice, our project was just not fitting into their plans)
SO: we are an independent project without money - finally, just what we wanted! [nyulszakszervezet: is it a joke, rr?] we will use the streets and our bodies, we don't produce any garbage, we call our children ghost back and write a script and a few songs.
(i guess we have to write to artpool that we won't have a video room for a while.) [nyulszakszervezet: we will take contact, do not worry!]
A member of nyulszakszervezet notes
Friday, April 10, 2009
10 April - Invitation
Húsvéti Aerobic Party / Easter Aerobic Party
TRIKE (CAN) & Pneuma Szöv. (HU, GER, stb...)
Felvezetés: interaktív synth-pop-aerobic a TRIKE nevű kanadai formációval.Az első ízben Budapestre látogató zenekar két tagja, Stephen Taylor (szintetizátor, ének) és Xania Keane (ének, rap, glockenspiel, játékgitár, ír-sztep, táncoktatás) utcazenéléssel kezdték közös pályafutásukat. Fennállásuk két éve alatt két albumot adtak ki, és számos európai és tengerentúli helyen megfordultak. Koncertjeik a 80-as évek diszkó-hangulatát ötvözik interaktív táncoktatással és tettlegességig fajuló aerobic-performansszal.
Levezetés: beltéri légzőgyakorlatok DJ sarah&güntherrel és a Pneuma Szöv.-vel. A Pneuma Szöv. 2008-ban alapított kulturális szövetkezet, nyitott kreatív hálózat. Április folyamán Budapest több pontján szerveznek közösségi szellemtúrákat.A program ingyenes!,
Warming up: interactive synth-pop-aerobic with TRIKE. The Canadian duo (Stephen Taylor and Xania Kean) has been performing in several venues in Europe and overseas coming now for the first time to Hungary. Their shows are audience interactive and theatrical, incorporating costume-changes, teaching dance moves, spanking audience members and jogging through venues.
Cooling down: indoor breathing exercises with DJ sarah&günther and Pneuma Szöv.
Pneuma Szöv. is a creative network, founded 2008 in Budapest. In the course of April Pneuma Szöv. are making exercises on different spots of the city to evoke the ghost in themselves, in each other, in the surroundings, in the very poetic parts of the reality, shadows and sounds of crazy children and homeless ladies.
Thursday, April 9, 2009
pneuma archives
the spectres hide in the archives.
we have an old zaloghaz full of ideas.
pneuma spirit and spectres spooking through the different states of making concepts.
spectre geist ghost szellem kisert.. gespenst spirit
creature of air
From the archive of Lufthase Klub
(...) In the course of April 2009 the group Pneuma Szöv. is seeking to reveal a comprehensive creative conspiracy in Ferencváros, 9th district of Budapest. During the period between 1st of April and 1st of May our group is going to dive into the life of the district and map out its communal, institutional and architectural structures, searching there for suspicious traces. For a month we take over the operation of a community café called Közért and establish there a club and an open research institute.
Lufthase Club is one month of breathing together. We invite and recruit people to help us unstitch the thick net of invisible processes spinning through this district of the city. To experience common influences and work out methods of influencing by ourselves. On the streets, within institutional frameworks and in-between spaces of ghettos and so called restoration areas of the district. To interfere with the flow of usual things and look how they really work. To understand at once who is living next to us and what (s)he is up to. What constructions we are working in. What risk scores we have. What kind of systems are closing us about. And to invent new rules of the game. (...)
Lufthase Club is one month of breathing together. We invite and recruit people to help us unstitch the thick net of invisible processes spinning through this district of the city. To experience common influences and work out methods of influencing by ourselves. On the streets, within institutional frameworks and in-between spaces of ghettos and so called restoration areas of the district. To interfere with the flow of usual things and look how they really work. To understand at once who is living next to us and what (s)he is up to. What constructions we are working in. What risk scores we have. What kind of systems are closing us about. And to invent new rules of the game. (...)
Szellem I
From the press archive of the Nyúlszakszervezet / registr. nr: RDSB: 20092008
Jó napot kivánok itt a Lufthase Nyúlszakszervezet képviselője beszél. Szeretnénk egy bejelentést tenni.
Most kaptuk a hírt, hogy az elmúlt éjszaka több budapesti járókelő színes fényeket látott a régi Corvin Áruház felső szintjének ablakaiban. Az egyik szemtanú, Ny. János a helyi gépszellemhatóságnak „vizuális és akusztikai jellegű fantomokról” számolt be.
A Corvintető vendégei egy nagy vasajtót emlegettek, melyen keresztül dobozokat hordó embereket láttak eltűnni. Egyes állítások szerint a dobozokban növények, nyulak és kitömött állatok voltak.
A szórakozóhely üzemeltetői cáfolják az illegális nyúltranszportra vonatkozó feltételezéseket.
De a nyúlszakszervezet mélyen aggódik nyulai sorsáért. Milyen láthatatlan folyamatok veszélyeztetik nyulaink életét és a miénket?
Sikerült megállapodnunk a Corvin Tető szórakozóhellyel, hogy ma este 8 tol megnyitják a gyanús helyszínt, ami eddig zárva volt. Most fog kiderülni az igazság. Eljött a cselekvés órája. Számítunk az állampolgárok megjelenésére. Bővebb információ: a pneumaszöv honlapjan
Most kaptuk a hírt, hogy az elmúlt éjszaka több budapesti járókelő színes fényeket látott a régi Corvin Áruház felső szintjének ablakaiban. Az egyik szemtanú, Ny. János a helyi gépszellemhatóságnak „vizuális és akusztikai jellegű fantomokról” számolt be.
A Corvintető vendégei egy nagy vasajtót emlegettek, melyen keresztül dobozokat hordó embereket láttak eltűnni. Egyes állítások szerint a dobozokban növények, nyulak és kitömött állatok voltak.
A szórakozóhely üzemeltetői cáfolják az illegális nyúltranszportra vonatkozó feltételezéseket.
De a nyúlszakszervezet mélyen aggódik nyulai sorsáért. Milyen láthatatlan folyamatok veszélyeztetik nyulaink életét és a miénket?
Sikerült megállapodnunk a Corvin Tető szórakozóhellyel, hogy ma este 8 tol megnyitják a gyanús helyszínt, ami eddig zárva volt. Most fog kiderülni az igazság. Eljött a cselekvés órája. Számítunk az állampolgárok megjelenésére. Bővebb információ: a pneumaszöv honlapjan
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Fragments 2.
[09.04.06. 15:27] nyúl: these exercises are really important for our group. the ritual of a group brings a group together, gives the group spirit. another thing that brings groups together are catastrophes, but as we dont want to throw one of us in front of a car. we really have to spend active time with each other. where we trust and where we are not in our logical borders and restrictments. the ghosts come from the inconscient, as well as a creativity, as well as any productive creating force, for me the term of phantasma is also fitting. there is some kind of struggle between you and our spectres. the fight between dr. jekyll and mr. hide. (btw we should see the perverts guide to cinema) . and mr.hide should really be a part of pneuma. and we only find him, if we give him a chance different from presenting him always dr.jekyll.... when do we meet?
[09.04.06. 15:30] rebeka rokifeller: bit after 5
[09.04.06. 15:31] nyúlszakszervezet: it is a shame, but I haven't seen mr. hide yet
[09.04.06. 15:31] nyúlszakszervezet: do you have the pervert's guide?
[09.04.06. 15:32] rebeka rokifeller: what is that perverts guide?
[09.04.06. 15:33] nyúlszakszervezet: zizek's film on cinema
[09.04.06. 15:33] rebeka rokifeller: oh, i thought some pervert exercizes (wasntme)
Monday, April 6, 2009
[09.04.06. 1:04] rebeka rokifeller: ok, and here is the dilthey line i told i guess, szellemtörténet, we had to read these things at the uni... it is again in german, i dont find the english version
[09.04.06. 1:06] nyúl: :)
[09.04.06. 12:02] nyúlszakszervezet: a rather theoretical, maybe even not so important detail to our research:
the distinction between PHANTASY and PHANTASMA. phantasy= an identifyable function of imagining things. a képesség/faehigkeit, which is in all of us and we can develop it and exercise it.
More interesting is maybe phantasma (Lacan used it a lot), which is the representation of an object in our mind. it is a phantasy but it is also the way this object really appears in the structural order of the world, so that means it is also reality. or more precisely the imaginary as part of the reality. so for me for example it is not so much my phantasies, which are interesting, but rather the phantasmas we leave in.
I think in our project the most obvious phantasma is the air bank/or ghost bank: it exists, because it brings the whole project into move: we open a space, we create a kind of theory, we make a performance etc. but it is not just a phantasy, an imaginary structure or so, because for example the way the credit sytem funtions or the way we negotiate with our ghosts are real examples for an air bank. and also if people get together and share things and thoughts it is also a real example for the same structure.
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